About Us

Our story

         Peace Foundation is a non-profit organization established in the year 2017.  Dr. Sonia MBBS.MD a Psychiatrist  by profession, who runs this organisation single handedly through her own savings. She battled away several struggles in life and was dedicated in social activities from many years, but officially named Peace Foundation in the year 2017. She never stopped with her dream , a dream to see a safer India , a nation where every woman and child live happily, freely without any bondage’s of suffering and pain. She wants to be the voice of every women whose voices are unheard. We shall do whatever it takes to save the world’s children and woman.

                                   Come, let us march ahead with the vision to create happiness and peace around us.
                                                                            “The Change Starts Here…”!

        There are several challenges on the way of women empowerment. Lots of crimes against women in the society are raising the issues of women’s rights in India. To benefit the women empowerment in India, it needs to remove all the issues and challenges faced by women for years. Most common challenges are related to the education, poverty, health and safety of the women. After independence of country, India had to face lots of challenges which had created a big gap between men and women especially in the field of education. The ratio of educated adult men and women is 82.14% and 65.46%. Poverty is another issue of backwardness of women in the society.  Poverty can be eradicated by improving the women literacy. Generally women are exploited in the home for domestic helps. If poverty, health, safety, crime and other issues related to women are removed, then we can see the real dream of women empowerment around 20 years later. Swami Vivekananda was a great person who had well said that, “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved, It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing”. 

       It is a matter of concern that in today’s prosperous world, there are 168 million children who work as labourers, deprived of not just the joys of childhood but also of the education that is essential for decent life as an adult. As the world advances in terms of information technology and in other ways, literacy becomes more important than ever before. Child labour and the deprivation of education persisted for so long partly because of the native belief that markets, left free, would correct these ills

Our aims and Objectives:
❖ Empowerment of women and girls from poor and marginalized communities, leading to
improvement in their lives and livelihoods.
❖ Promoting and protecting rights of women and children.
❖ Eliminating harmful practices such as child marriage, female genital
mutilation, and all forms of physical, sexual and psychological violence.
❖ Prevention of gender discrimination.
❖ Undertake primary needs of shelter, food and clothing.
❖ Emotional support and counselling to women and children without any social or economic
❖ Health education and awareness of communicable and noncommunicable diseases.
❖ Awareness of mental disorders and eradication of stigma associated with it.
❖ Disaster management and preparedness.
❖ Fight for labour rights based on equality of opportunity.
❖ Prevention of cruelty to animals and awareness about welfare and protection of animals.
❖ Identification and treatment of drug addict and create awareness about ill effects of
alcoholism and other substance abuse on individual, family and society
❖ Promoting peace and harmony among all religions . 

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