Families belonging from nagpur maharashtra, selling baloons on the road , we noticed children being pushed by parents and telling them to beg .
We spoke to them the importance of education to every child which is their every right and not to snatch away an innocence of a child .
A child should never fall into prey of begging or be used as labourers .
They stated poverty as the reason for their begging , and head of family who suffers from severe skin infections and joint related problems. he has to keep visiting government hospitals for medicines once in a month.
The lady of one of the families is a widow whose husband died in nagpur due to current shock while repairing electricity cables.
Till now no compensation they have received from government .
their children do not go to school,we motivated the parents the importance of education and not snatch their innocence of childhood .
* We have provided some financial aid , clothes to them.
Our upcoming project- We plan for employment for women and seek justice for compensation to be given to the family of widow.